Nuance Travertine Pavers
"I bought a house that was built 5 years ago. When I moved in, I knew the house was not exactly my taste. It didn't feel like the perfect home. It started with the bathrooms and the pool. You helped with the travertine pavers that were part of the remodel on the pool. The pool was built with the cheapest material. You helped me review my designs and you matched the material. You offered the best cost allowing me to do everything I wanted on my remodel. The nuance travertine pavers were the best on the market that we saw. I feel we have the type of travertine pavers that could be featured in a magazine. The pool was perfect and was within budget. You were great with working with my designer and contractor. I can see why everyone uses you." Callie - Houston
Sahara Travertine Pavers
Sahara Travertine Pavers